Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Big Blue Mug

A dear friend has brought this to the attention of the Elephant:
There is no apology for the change of style and mood.

AnElephantCant contain his excitement
About the charity that’s called Mary’s Meals
No jokes this time
But a cheery wee rhyme
To tell everyone just how he feels

Mary’s Meals started feeding 200
Now it is 600,000 children each day
There is only one rule
They feed them in school
They never turn one child away

This Elephant does not usually do serious
He is aware that he sounds like a bore
But the laughs are adjourned
Where kids are concerned
He knows that he could and he should do much more

Please buy a mug which will help save these children
It’s quite big and it’s a shiny bright blue
Eliminate want
But he is trying and asks you to do too

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